Thursday, March 18, 2010

I am independent and a PA resident with a PA registered, inspected, and license plated car.  I think that makes me a real grown up.  I'm not sure.  I spend money like one, that's for sure...  I just had to pay for all the PA car requirements...goodbye paycheck.  Literally.  And I may have gotten into a minor accident awhile back---me, some icy roads, a snowbank, and a guardrail--so I have to pay my insurance deductible and get the car fixed whenever I get the insurance check... And my computer cord broke this morning so I had to buy a new one of those...and I am going to have to have no computer at home until it comes...what will I do without hulu? hahaha!

Lets see, what else is new...I have mice in my house, so I have been fighting a war against them...and kind of like our war on terror...when I don't know what to do, I just throw money at the problem and buy weapons of "mouse" destruction (rather than "mass" destruction--get it?  haha, clever, I know)...I have poison and traps and I'm getting another kind of trap tomorrow, because I just found out that the poison might cause the mice to die in my walls and make my house smell.  And by house, I mean my two bedroom apartment above a garage.  Its actually a really sweet deal. 

I am still selling office supplies by night and that job has given me friends, haha.  My job at Novocell has picked up considerably and so I finally feel very productive and busy most days. 

I think thats about it for what's new in my life.  Brace yourself, I am going to say something that I don't think I have ever told you before, There are NO men in my life.  Can you believe it?  I understand why everyone panics at college about finding a spouse.  There are no men in the real world.  Or at least not in Western PA.  Oh well.  I'm actually too busy right now to be in a relationship.  I am trying to get involved in a church...I am volunteering at a women's conference this weekend.  Its a Beth Moore study, Loving Well.  Then I am going to start coaching soccer with a girl from Staples at the Y starting in the middle of April.  I think we are going to get U10s.  We'll see.

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